Hi There! I'm
I help you calm the chaos & stop the swirl of emotions so you can navigate any situation with confidence & ease
Training Ground
I experienced a tragic loss in my first year of college. My high school sweetheart suddenly passed. I was devastated. I decided to run from the memories, and right into the military! I really enjoyed my time in the Army, and after my term, I made the not-so-smooth-transition back into civilian life.
I was lost. l was a new mom, new wife and needed a new job! I went back to college to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. At the same time I began working as a chiropractic assistant. I loved it.
Life seemed pretty good…or so I thought.
and then…
The Unlikely Twist
Fast forward a few years. I was divorced, a single mom, had self esteem issues, money problems, uncertainty.
I was still working in the chiropractic field. I knew there was more. But what?
I began dating my soulmate, Dave. We got married and instantly had a big family. I was becoming more confident but still dissatisfied with my career path.
One morning I saw a commercial about a local massage school. I was captivated and instantly knew my next step. The crazy part is: I had never had a massage, didn’t know any therapists.. So bizarre, yet it felt so right. I took action and enrolled the next week!
Grab My Free Masterclass
Learn To Calm Your Nervous System & Navigate Any Situation With Confidence & Ease
it was time…
Stepping Up
I had a natural gift. Who knew?! I worked at a spa for years, but dreamed of having my own massage practice.
My marriage was stellar, and we grew to a family of six!
In 2008, we encountered financial difficulties, which resulted in bankruptcy. Ugh. Hard stop.
Something needed to shift. I opened my own business. I was nervous and excited (nervouscited as my daughter calls it!) I had some doubts AND I did it anyway.
and so…
The Trusted Expert
I massaged thousands of clients over 15 years. I was blessed with clients I adored. As a massage instructor I taught hundreds of therapists. I began incorporating reiki, meditation coaching, emotion code, yoga, and “stumbled upon” BodyMind Coaching. It changed my life and my business. Legit.
Massage is wonderful, and it doesn’t get to the root – the emotions, old beliefs, old patterns that really cause the pain and dis-ease in the body. That’s where coaching comes in. My style is unique. I use two decades of holistic practices to customize my client’s experience. It’s not about giving the answers. I’m their guide back to themselves- to their inner wisdom. Coaching has unlocked the next level. My clients experience transformation, and it’s breathtaking to witness.
I’m able to blend all of the twists and turns for good. Grief / Army / Divorce / Financial hardships / Lack of confidence
Resulted in…
Holistic knowledge / Entrepreneur / Author / Coach / Educator
I love helping my clients gain clarity, confidence and direction. They deserve the life of their dreams.
I love doing my own inner work to create change. In 2019, I officially retired from massage to focus solely on coaching. My family and I made the (scary) and empowering decision to move near the beach so we can live in alignment with our core values. Quite a big move from PA to FL!
“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life but by realizing who you are at the deepest level”
~Eckhart Tolle