Not Your Average Coach...

I’ll Partner
With You

It’s Not About Me Telling You How To Live Your Life…

It’s About Equipping You With Tools
So You Can Come Back Home…

To Yourself.

"You represent grounded love and presence to me."
- Michelle Rockwood
Founder of Unscripted Sales, Denver, Colorado
"God brought you to this site for a reason. You are in good hands! Trust Jenn."
- Tammy Haines
Beauview Farm, Mount Wolf, PA
"I always felt ready to move forward after our sessions."
- Jamiee Mashula
Founder of Bodhi Massage & Wellness, Galeton, PA

A transformational coaching experience must have these 5 elements:

1 A safe space to be seen, heard and acknowledge

2 Customized support

3 Integration of personal and professional goals

4 An objective, non-judgemental coach

5 Practical strategies and skills that require little time

I work differently. I’ll walk alongside you every step of the way. You won’t be a number or lost in the crowd. You’ll receive custom curated support based on your individual needs, and you will have my undivided attention. My coaching isn’t a cookie-cutter approach, because you are completely unique and deserve to have a high level of support so you can begin taking steps, creating change and making an impact.

I incorporate several holistic modalities into my sessions if desired so you can receive exactly what you need during our time together. Clients love being able to release emotions with ease (and not needing to talk about the trauma/memory) when I incorporate Emotion Code & Body Code Sessions. Many clients enjoy Instinctive Meditation I offer, Reiki, Bioresonance therapies and many more.

I strive to help you discover your own answers and awarenesses by asking you thought-provoking questions, by being objective, and by not just giving you a bunch of “fluff.” You’re way too valuable for that. Your dreams and desires matter. So much.

Learning to trust your inner knowing will change the trajectory of your life.

Sacred Connections

Is Different.

Sacred Connections Coaching with Client

I will provide a safe space that enables you to feel at ease and valued 100% of the time. I'll listen intently as you share your struggles, needs, desires, wins and progress. Customized support is paramount. You will feel supported and important during our time together, and hopefully long after. I'll help you integrate all areas of your life. I'll guide you through the inner work so you're showing up authentically in all areas of your life - career, family, health, finances, friendships. I will remain objective - which is so important and benefits you immensely. If I handed you "solutions'' I'd be doing you a disservice. Your path is yours alone. I'm here to guide and facilitate, and only you can take the steps that feel true to you. We'll partner together to co-create practical strategies that won't require tons of your time.

Reasons I may not be the best coach for you

I’m not for everyone.

And thank goodness for that. I believe there’s a “right” fit for everyone…and I may not be yours. And that’s OK!!!

You should not work with me if…

1 You Want a Quick-fix

You want a solution to fall in your lap. If you’re looking for a coach to just tell you what steps to take, I’m definitely not a good match for you (we’ll gently release you with love so you can find the support that best serves you). My unique style of coaching helps you create lasting change in your life. I want you to succeed and continue growing long after we’ve worked together. I want to ensure you have all the tools you’ll need to move forward in life. You have big plans, big dreams and I’m here for all of it.

2You Aren’t Willing To Do The Work

You don’t need to be ready; you absolutely need to be willing though. Transformation doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t happen if you aren’t willing to be a bit uncomfortable at times. This work requires you to stretch and make different decisions. If it’s change you desire, you need to make different choices and take new actions.

3 You Don’t Believe Things Can Change

If you want your life to look different, and you don’t really believe change can happen, I’m not a good fit for you. You don’t need to have all the steps mapped out, but you must believe in the possibilities. I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to doubt yourself…because, let’s face it, you’re human, and that’s completely normal. I’m saying that you have to not only desire change, but you can see it and feel it too.

4 You Aren’t Open To Learning New Things

My programs are completely customized to your needs, and you will learn new things along the way. Since I have almost two decades of experience in the holistic field, I will share lots of helpful strategies for you to try on and integrate into your world. You’ll learn some skills that aren’t super mainstream, so having an open mind, and heart, is key.

Let's talk about who i am for

i am for you if you are:

A heart-centered woman.

Maybe you’re a coach, an Entrepreneur, an Executive, a Momma. You’re juggling all the things and it’s feeling a bit overwhelming. You’re someone who knows there’s more. Something feels “off” and you feel stuck in the swirl of emotions. You want to show up differently in the world and make a big impact, but you don’t have the support or know what steps to take next. You feel pulled in many directions and really want to catch your breath.

You’re determined to have more EASE in your life. You’re serious about reaching your goals. You’ve tried to get there, but feel stuck and frustrated.

You have a huge heart and you want to make a huge impact on your family, clients, community, and the world.

You aren’t ok with settling.

You’re coachable and authentic. You’re REAL.

Chances are, I can help. I’d love to meet you.

Jenn lovingly guides you back home to yourself, and makes you feel safe and valued at the same time

Before I started working with Jenn my relationships were suffering, and I lacked boundaries in my personal and professional life. I was completely overwhelmed.

I now have healthy relationships, and strong boundaries that honor my values and myself. I’m much more confident and I have much more direction. I am now able to manage my stress with more ease. I have tools that I’ll take with me and use forever.

Jenn lovingly guides you back home to yourself, and makes you feel safe and valued at the same time.

Michelle H
Michelle H
Virtual Assistant & Business Owner, York, PA

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with Jenn.

Jenn gets to the heart of any matter or struggle with a gentle, wise way about her. I really like the spaciousness she invites.

I’ve had many breakthroughs while working with Jenn. Most prevalently a deeper awareness of my values and how I want live and embody them, as well as taking steps in my business that have required some really intense boundary work that Jenn has coached me through.

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with Jenn.

Jessica Kilbourn image
Jessica Kilbourn
Coach, Doula, Bodyworker, Educator, Ypsilanti, Michigan

God brought you to this site for a reason

I love how Jenn presents possibilities- it’s contagious and I pray God continues to use her.

Jenn is growth (in so many ways).

W-With a

God brought you to this site for a reason. You're in good hands! Trust Jenn and you’ll continue to be amazed at the light that sparks within, to shine bright!

Tammy image
Entrepreneur, Beauview Farm, Mount Wolf, PA
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